Instant Shutdown

 "Faster shutdown!"

There're two applications inside of package.
One says Light and Standard.
Light edition only uses 16kb, but the standard edition uses 124kb. Package is around 230kb with source code included.
The only difference is user interface, as Light edition lacks any of them and meant to be run with shortcuts.

Oh yes, this app also speeds up shutdown time to NEARLY instant, WITHOUT ANY BSOD. I have been using it for every time.

- Meant to run on shortcuts
- Had no icons
- Small (16kb)
- Open Source
- Tested and Usable on Windows XP to 10
- MAY BE USABLE on Win 95 to Win2k


- GUI interactable
- Meant to run on shortcuts too
- Had 2 icons
- A bit bigger but still Small (116kb)
- Open Source
- Tested Usable on Windows XP to 10
- MAY BE USABLE on Win 95 to Win2k, you may try.


Q: Shutdown isn't instant!
A: Well, it depends on alot of factor. Storage space on your PC, disk type, running programs, affects those.

Q: Did it damages my computer?
A: Nope. Read this README again from top, it doesn't invoke any BSOD, error logs, and Problems. It's recommended to save any unsaved works beforehand!!!!

Q: Can you tell me how it works?
A: It calls RtlAdjustPrivilege at ntdll to adjust privilege to shutdown privilege. Then it also calls NtShutdownSystem& to execute shutdown command. Source code included.

Q: Is it safe?
A: Qf course! You can scan it by yourself at virustotal. Edit: If you got any issue with false positives at Windows Defender please delete them and re-download. Thanks!
If in any doubt, please check the included source code.
VirusTotal results for Light version (It got detected but I'm sure it's false positive!)
VirusTotal results for Standard version (Trust me, it's false positive!)

Q: Why you are using VB6? Its f'kin antic!
A: Using VB6 doesn't need to install whole framework, because only one DLL file needed. Add incompatibility issue with older OS solved too.

PROBLEMS: It will invoke Reliability Monitor's "System not shutdown properly", but when turned back on, it doesn't asks you to enter safe mode or system repairs. Odd.

V1 (from 2017):
➤ Initial release.

V1.1 (from 2020):
➤  Change GUI.
➤  Improve code efficiency by making the standard version refer to module only.
➤  Fix language mistakes.
➤  Added 2 new languages: Indonesian and Nederlands.

➤  Initial release.
|| ||

Notes to sitemasters out there, it'll be nice to link to this page for downloading! (for my version only, forks are exempt but linking is appreciated)(GDrive link above reposts are OK)

This software can be redistributed, modded, or whatever you want.
But if you plan to share it, please credit to bitelaserkhalif.
You may also like to include the source either original ones or modded, but please REFRAIN from removing any credit here.

THIS VERSION::: ©️bitelaserkhalif 2017-2020


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