In depth review of Chinesium "Bulldozer" H55 Board (ZX-H55M V1.41) / Review mendalam mobo cina "Bulldozer" H55 (ZX-H55M V1.41)


We are discussing about the specifications, bios, and verdict, regarding should you buy this or not| Kita membahas speknya, biosnya, dan kesimpulannya, apakah worth to buy atau tidak. This mainboard in Chinese language also known as: 山寨芯片组主板 / 山寨主板 (Shānzhài xīnpiàn zǔ zhǔbǎn / Shānzhài zhǔbǎn) translated to: Shanzhai chipset motherboard / Shanzhai motherboard.

This mobo is made by Shenzhen Hongdafeng i guess


Chinesium motherboard that I bought at 17th Sept. 2021. Warranty already over (1yr warranty, purchase 2020?) No box, no cd, no manual, backpanel+mobo only. (Apparently after looking, it's same with Zebronics H55)

  • Chipset used: H57 (salvaged from prebuilt like Dell maybe?). Those H55 chinesium boards may use H57 or H55 depending on e-waste pull stocks. They are near same anyway.
  • 4 Phase VRM
  • Max RAM: 8GB (Dual rank/Dual sided, 4GB per slot, two slots in total. Trait shared with LGA 775 DDR3). FOR XEON: 16 GB (Dual rank/Dual sided, 8GB per slot, there are 2 slots.)
  • Connections: 1 m.sata, 3 sata slot. 1 PCIe x16 (x8 electronically, tested with GT 210). Has "USB 3.0 header" (untested, operates at 2.0. (by just looking at traces))
  • Audio works (ALC662), LAN works (RTL8103E 10/100 Megabit)
  • No MOSFET heatsinks
  • No Intel Management Engine
  • Quirks:
    • Turbo boost cannot be used, see this video (I'm using i3 550, cannot test).
    • Removed PS/2 completely
    • YES YOU CAN OVERCLOCK. USE SETFSB, CHANGE CLOCK GENERATOR TO RTM 875T-587, and began incrementing. This is called BCLK OC. Choose Version 2.3.173 with "medicine". program is declared as abandonware
    • Sleep mode, keeps the CPU fan spinning, but the HDD is unpowered. Turns out sleep mode is bugged, HDD stops for while, CPU fan still spins, but all by sudden it woke itself! Potential fix: Here, with huananzhi motherboardSadly, in BIOS there is no sleep to S3, It's all goes to S1!
    • One capacitor can collide with cooler; can thermal throttle the CPU (mounting improper)
    • Cannot control fan speed, it ran at full speed and no PWM (wired direct to 12v, Speedfan is unusable). Tested with Delta AUB0912VH fan from HP Z200, very noisy. So I installed the fan to GA G41 COMBO board that has PWM speed controller. (Source; Zebronics H61 cannot use speedfan.)
BIOSHere (may or may not compatible with other chinesium motherboards, DWYOR, backup the bios is must) (REFLASH TESTED AND WORKING NORMALLY!)

Drivers: I usually use Snappy Driver Installer Origin (SDI Origin) if that matters, but bcoz win 10 do drivers automatically.... no need.

Support (No driver, bios, and manual from website. Said website is also unmaintained)

  • Usage of i5 7xx, i7 8xx, or Xeons must be accompanied with GPU!
  • Not really recommended for heavy usage (using i5/i7 can make VRM troubled)
  • Trash power delivery, would be recommended using major branded boards (trade off is they are second hand, here it's mostly Korean imports)


Mobo cina yg gw beli tanggal 17th Sept. 2021. Garansinya udh abis, hanya 1 thn(pembelian thn 2020?) No box, no cd, no manual, hanya backpanel+mobo.

  • Chipset yg dipakai: H57 (copotan dari built up kayak Dell mungkin?) Mobo cina h55 mungkin pake chipset H57 atau H55 tergantung stok rongsokan e-waste. Mungkin sama sih chipsetnya, cuma beda sedikit fitur saja
  • 4 Phase VRM
  • RAM Maksimal: 8GB (Dual rank/Dual sided, 4GB per slot, ada dua slot. Mirip dgn LGA 775 DDR3). KHUSUS XEON: 16 GB (Dual rank/Dual sided, 8GB per slot, ada dua slot.)
  • Koneksi: 1 m.sata, 3 sata slot. 1 PCIe x16 (aslinya x8, ditest dengan GT 210). Ada "USB 3.0 header" (belum pernah dites, aslinya mungkin USB 2.0. dilihat dri jalurnya)
  • Audio jalan (ALC662), LAN jalan (RTL8103E 10/100 Megabit)
  • Tidak ada heatsink MOSFET
  • Tidak ada Intel Management Engine
  • Yg aneh:
    • Ga bisa pake Turbo boost, liat video ini (ga bisa test krn pake i3 550).
    • Tidak ada konektor PS/2
    • BISA OVERCLOCK. PAKE SETFSB, SETTING CLOCK GENERATOR KE RTM 875T-587, mulai naikkan sedikit demi sedikit. Pilih Version 2.3.173 dengan "jamu", program is declared as abandonware
    • Sleep mode, kipas CPU tetep muter, tapi HDDnya mati. Edit: Sleep modenya ngebug, dia mau sleep bbrp saat, kipas muter, hdd mati, eh tiba2 nyala lagi. Solusi yg bisa dicoba: Dimari, ini dites ke mobo huananzhi. Sayangnya BIOS tidak ada sleep to S3, adanya sleep to S1
    • Ada elco yg bisa mentok dengan cooler; bisa thermal throttling gara2 ga pas kipasnya.
    • Kipas full speed 100%, ga ada PWM (sambung langsung ke 12v, ga bisa pake Speedfan). Dites dengan kipas Delta AUB0912VH copotan dri built up HP Z200, berisik banget. Alhasil kipasnya dipasang ke mobo GA G41 COMBO yg sudah ada PWM speed controllernya. (Sumber)
BIOSDisini (mungkin compatible dengan mobo cina lain, DWYOR, backup dahulu biosnya)(SUDAH TESTED REFLASH DAN JALAN!)

Driver: Biasanya pake Snappy Driver Installer Origin (SDI Origin), tapi krn win 10 otomatis install driver, ga perlu.

Support: (Sayangnya ga ada driver, bios dan manual di websitenya, ada yg bilang ga dimanage lagi)

  • Wajib pake VGA kalo prosesornya i5 7xx, i7 8xx, atau Xeon
  • Ga disarankan untuk pemakaian berat (pake i5/i7 bisa bikin VRM troubled)
  • Power delivery jelek, kalo gw rekomen pake mobo seken branded (tapi ya mereka seken, disini biasanya ex Korea)




How I pulled it off:


Do not go all out, it'll BSOD. Slow down. If BSOD occurs, remove CMOS battery and wait so that the CMOS can reset. Failing to remove CMOS battery results in BSOD loop!


(bear in mind I have plugged GT 210, Flashdrive, and Wifi USB || info, ada 3 hardware tercolok: GT 210, flashdisk, dan wifi usb)


Specification table:

Classifications Specs
Socket System 1156 (socket H)
RAM2 DDR3 slots, maximum is 8 GB AFAIK
Processors Link (Celeron, Pentium, i3,i5,i7,xeon)
All 1156 45nm Nehalem and 32nm Westmere
OC and Tuning Nope, BIOS locked down. Memory speed can
be forced. Incorrect: Blank screen, must
delete CMOS.
Connections 3 * Sata
1 * mSata
RJ45 10/100M
3 Audios
1 PCIe "x16" (runs on x8)
Power BoardVRM 4 Phase


(flash at your own risk, only for Chinese/weird brand motherboards || resiko ditanggung sendiri, untuk mobo merk cina saja)


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