Tiers of Korean True rated/pure PSU (why I made this lol)


So..... I stumbled upon this website (from searching on youtube), and putting aside the known brands like FSP, Seasonic, Acbel, HEC.... Also, when buying used korean psu, one must check 12v amperage (12v*AMPS) to get real wattage. If wattage didn't fall short from rated numbers, it's good. (This is due some PSU has model number that can fool buyers, like this with 12v 10.5 amp, and this with 12v 18amp (which what I'm using now)). Site like danawa now has something called "rated output" / 정격출력 that shows real wattage, usually calculated from 12 volt rail. The addition is mostly for newer PSU manufacture, not older one.
From that we can conclude used Korean PSU tiers:

  1. Grade A
    1. Micronics
    2. New Abkoncore/Abko suitmaster/Abkoncore Mighty/Tenergy (This can be exception bcoz can be bought new, international expansion). Added by me.
  2. Grade B
    1. Zalman (This can be exception bcoz can be bought new, international expansion)
    2. Skydigital's Powerstation.
  3. Grade C (Guaranteed to have true output on 12v rail)
    1. Coolmax (related to Micronics)
    2. Power Rex (no PFC)(RIP BudoRex)
    3. iGuju (Asso, Elite, Elpis)
    4. Max Elite (Maxwell)
  4. Grade D
    1. Waycos (Hybrid 6000)
    2. Energy Optimus (Depends on model, some are Grade E. Must check 12V rail amperage first!)
    3. GMC
    4. Aone (Depends on model, some are Grade E. Must check 12V rail amperage first!)
    5. Qstar (Depends on model, some are Grade E. Must check 12V rail amperage first!)
    6. GreatWall (Chinese brand, but here there are so many Korean imported GreatWall PSU)
    7. Rexcool (Depends on model, some are Grade E. Must check 12V rail amperage first!)
    8. OLD ABKO Absolute (not on pic)(excepting Formula series which is FSP rebadge, it's on A tier) Added by me.
    9. HERZ (From same company that made COR3NSI PSU, built by ATNG. Not advised)
  5. Grade E
    1. +0asis
    2. +corone
    3. +one
    4. +plus
    5. (Any psu with +, or 1, or 0 in front of it's model to fool Danawa system, this has since been patched now)
    6. iceman/yido
    7. hopely
    8. weed (smoke weed)
    9. THE CORENSI CHEONGUNG (천궁) PSU / BINGSAN UFO (Most units that arrived here is either CORENSI CHEONGUNG which is very common, and finally BINGSAN UFO, which is very rare here (maybe all has exploded kaboom?))


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