Take Two mulai melarang modding GTA V, akibatnya sangat fatal!

The creators of Open IV, one of the most popular modding tools for GTA V, are shutting their services down. They claim they have received a cease and desist from Take-Two Interactive after nearly 10 years of operation. The news comes as a shock to the PC Grand Theft Auto community, who use OpenIV to add thousands of mods into GTA V.
OpenIV, a super popular modding tool used by tons of GTA V fans, had a multitude of uses. Some players used OpenIV to make machinima videos that aren’t possible using the in-game video editor. Others used OpenIV to add new vehicles, weapons and features to GTA V. And for those who hunt for mysteries and secrets in GTA V, OpenIV allows them to dig deeper and poke around in the game in ways Rockstar never intended.
According to a post on the official OpenIV website, the alleged cease and desist came on June 5th 2017. The supposed problem, OpenIV’s creators say, is that the program allows “third parties to defeat security features of its software and modify that software in violation Take-Two’s rights.” After discussing their options, the team behind the tool says they decided it was not worth their time to fight back.
“Yes, we can go to court and yet again prove that modding is fair use and our actions are legal,” creator GooD-NTS wrote. “Yes, we could. But we decided not to. Going to court will take at least few months of our time and huge amount of efforts, and, at best, we’ll get absolutely nothing. Spending time just to restore status quo is really unproductive, and all the money in the world can’t compensate the loss of time. So, we decided to agree with their claims and we’re stopping distribution of OpenIV.”

Sumber: kotaku

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Untuk orang yg telah donlot openIV: upload dan tuliskan linknya di komen!


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