Download NFS Carbon and Underground 1 arcade version

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There are special and obscure NFS versions that's so rare, it doesn't get known. They are the Need For Speed arcade version, those are 2 games made by Global VR and EA. It loosely based upon PC version.

There are 2 of those hidden gem:

NFS Underground 1 Arcade
NFS Underground 1 Arcade version. This version is of course loosely based upon Need For Speed Underground 1 PC. This version has so many special and extra features, some of them are:
  • 8 AI Opponents, ❗
  • Framerate display, 
  • Gran Turismo styled camera, 
  • And many more.

Technical specifications for arcade cabinet are (gathered from GlobalVR site):

  • Windows XP Embedded (SP2 or SP3?)
  • Pentium 4, Motherboard is either MSI H61M-P32 or DFI PS35-BL. For h61 maybe the pentium dualcore?
  • Nvidia GeForce4 Series (depends to what user will install)
  • 800*600 SVGA monitor
  • Can upgrade from Need For Speed GT (based from NFS HotPursuit 2) cabinet.

NFS Carbon Arcade

NFS Carbon Arcade version. This version is again, loosely based upon NFS Carbon PC edition. There's some features that worth mentioning:

  • NO AWFUL TIER SYSTEM PRESENT. (visibly, internal structure for tier is still there in gameplay.bin. Use vltedit to see that) 
  • Gran Turismo styled camera. 
  • 8 AI opponents, oh wait ❓ Already on PC version. If you want more challenge, use NFS Carbon Extra Options.
  • Weird physics, knock opponents on ease. Much like burnout. 
  • New GUIs 
  • And many more.
The cabinet specifiations are (again gathered from GlobalVR website):

  • Windows XP Embedded (SP2 or SP3?)
  • Pentium 4, and Intel G41 Core Series (Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, Pentium Dual Core). Motherboard for upgrade ones are MSI H61M-P32 or DFI PS35-BL. The newer one can also use LGA 775 Socket / G41 chipset powered mobo as well (Intel DG41TY, Intel DG41TX, Intel DQ45CB, P5N-MX, GA-G31MX-S2, Intel DG31PR, DFI EL339-b)
  • Nvidia GeForce4 Series? (not listed on site, as it can be upgraded)
  • 800*600 SVGA monitor
Both uses bulky crt monitor that can make back ache. they are 39 inch.

And, now you can download those obscure game, links are here (not hosted by me, link given by chancierbump):
Carbon Arcade Version
Underground 1 Arcade Version


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