Introducing VoSP, tool to enter solo public lobby in GTA Online.

Tired getting blown up by griefer/trihards in doing cargo delivery?
Always killed by someone in godmode abuser?
Stuck in cloud/casino/bunker?
Spammed with fake apartment invites? (thanks Rockstar for sloppy apartement invites implementation, it's should be in a form of cellphone message instead)
Having unfortunate encounter with some trashy modders that puts guitar in your back?


Introducing: VoSP



    VoSP is a tool made for making solo public lobby easier in game. It uses PsSuspend PsTools made by Microsoft to suspend the game for 10 seconds and unsuspend it afterwards. Another variant, using firewall also exists. This one doesn't use netsh, but instead using API that can be used with .NET Framework (and less effective). Guaranteed to last for 30 minutes.

    VoSP requirements:

  • Windows 7 64 bit (as GTA V cannot run on 32 bit)
  • NET Framework 4.8
  • Administrator rights (UAC allowed) for firewall tool.

    VoSP is NOT a cheat/mod menu for GTA Online or altering game data in anyway, so this thing cannot be banned. This application only making solo public lobby more easier to done with SAME METHOD EXISTED FOR WINDOWS PC beforehand (Involving resource manager). 

    This application only making solo public lobby more easier to done with SAME method that existed for PC beforehand. (Because GTA Online is P2P, connection to Rockstar Server is done at some moments only. This solo public lobby effect can be replicated by having problematic computer that hangs GTA V for long time, or crappy internet)

    VoSP is free and open-source, licensed under BSD license. It does require PsSuspend (from PsTools) that can be downloaded here, which isn't to be bundled because licensing issues.


What's new:

Version 1.0: Initial release, fixing PsSuspend EULA problem found during debugging. Screenshot might differ. Also fix firewall ports. 7-9-2020
Version 1.1: Implementing auto download+extract the PsTools from sysinternals server, Implement new method of PsSuspend EULA pop-up handling, add command line switch (-silent), minor polishing.
Version 1.2: Minor redesign and shutdown problem fixing.


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