True Rated PSU is same with / sama dengan PSU Pure | Definisi dari PSU pure | What is true rated PSU


Those are the same thing (basically made up term by sellers), this terminology came from Philippines (True rated and Generic PSU) and Indonesia (PSU pure dan biasa) PC part sellers respectively. Here are the breakdown:

  • Generic/Biasa: typical crap PSU that came bundled with case or cheap ass PSU like Armageddon, Simbadda, Dazumba, Bulldozer, Varro, (insert weird brand without proper background where the hell the PSU is made from) PSU.

    Quality: best suited for low wattage PC like APU (not really recommended tho).

  • True Rated/Pure: (not to be confused with Bequiet Pure Power!): PSU that has rating (although this is not all cases, even the rating itself can be faked!), or good internals compared to Generic/Biasa PSU. Wires are better, doesn't weight like empty biscuit can, and delivers power to what it said on box, not blowing up to pieces! With this definition, brands like SEASONIC, FSP, CORSAIR, EVGA, fell to this definition of "true rated/pure" PSU.

    Quality: better check individual review (like this, also consider jonnyguru forums (but it has long gone!) Stuff like Gigabyte P750GM loves to go BANG because overpower protection is not set)

  • Korean surplus (pre owned)/Ex Korea: 2nd hand imports from Korea with brand that you never heard before like  Absolute (today sells PSU mainly as AbkoNcore), Zalman (still selling PSU till this day), PowerRex (declared dead), Powerstation (still alive), and Micronics (still selling PSU till this day).

    Those PSU might have better internals than "generic/biasa". This is my inspection towards the PowerFul PF600, it has: EMI filter, almost 80 plus white rated, and Metal Oxide Varistor. Cheap crap Armageddon (235fx-600w RGB!!) PSU DON'T have ONE!
    But be warned! As they're not new the quality depends on luck!

    I bought the "Korean True Rated/Pure ex Korea" PSU, It's PowerFul PF600 (on that link, the PSU has been replaced their OEM and guts, the closest one that I got is this according to FCC code :MSIP-REI-ABG-500G2, the guts is exactly the same bcoz when I got this PSU, I tore it down considering the warranty is almost non existent), manufactured in 2014 by SHENZHEN VATYN. After several months, some issues like SATA power cables is loose and the fan won't spin started to show. I managed to solve those problems. Warranty? Good luck with that LMAO, it'll be hard to convince if it taken to outside Korea. Features? It's a mixed bag, some PSU has molex and sata connector on back (but it's worthless because no cable), some has USB port, some has selftest system (Aone taewang), some has wattmeter (Micronics)!

    Quality: depends on luck. SOME Korean USED PSU are NOT even TRUE RATED, one must check 12V RAIL AMPERAGES. My PF600 is actually 300/250w! (12v with 18amp-ish). Guaranteed okay brand includes: Powerstation, Powerex, Micronics, Zalman. FSP used Korean model (like 500-60apn) is available too.

An useful tip for Korean 2nd hand PC parts, is to search on The site is in Korean, but just use Google Translate. My PSU above is on this page. Also applies to GPU with brand you never heard of like Emtek, DNDCOM, SUMA, Rex, Absolute, etc. Those brands are 2nd hand Korean imports.

Next post will hopefully give insight of 2nd-hand Korean PC parts and brand and where they ended up. But AFAIK, those PC parts ended up to:

  1. Indonesia,
  2. Philippines,
  3. Sri Lanka,
  4. Vietnam,
  5. Bangladesh, and
  6. Pakistan.


Istilah tersebut sama artinya (dibuat2 sama yg jual onderdil PC), dan istilah ini muncul dari penjual part PC dari Filipina (True rated and Generic PSU) dan Indonesia (PSU pure dan biasa). Mari dijelaskan dulu:

  • Generic/Biasa: PSU kaleng yang biasanya dibonuskan dengan penjualan casing, atau PSU murahan yang beratnya hampir tidak ada, seperti Armageddon, Simbadda, Dazumba, Bulldozer, Varro, dsb.

    Quality: buat PC yang ga boros2 amat kayak APU (tapi gw ga rekomen).

  • True Rated/Pure: (bukan Bequiet Pure Power!): PSU yang ada ratingnya (walau ga semuanya punya 80 plus; bahkan ada yg 80 plusnya palsu!), atau dalamannya lebih bagus dibanding PSU Generic/Biasa. Biasanya kabelnya lebih tebal, lebih berat, dan mampu memberi daya sesuai yang tertera di dus, dan tidak mbledus! Di definisi ini, merk seperti SEASONIC, FSP, CORSAIR, EVGA, disebut PSU "true rated/pure" PSU.

    Quality: cek review masing2 (kayak ini, atau jonnyguru forums (udh gaada lagi sayangnya). PSU Gigabyte P750GM mbledus karena overpower protectionnya ga bener)

  • Korean surplus (pre owned)/Ex Korea: barang ex Korea dengan merek yang aneh seperti Absolute (skrg jual PSU bermerk AbkoNcore), Zalman (masih jual PSU sampe sekarang), PowerRex (udah ga jualan lagi sejak 2018), Powerstation (masih jualan), dan Micronics (masih jualan PSU).

    Dalaman PSUnya mungkin lebih bagus daripada PSU yang "generic/biasa" Ini hasil bongkar PowerFul PF600, ada: EMI filter, hampir 80 plus white, dan Metal Oxide Varistor. PSU Armageddon (235fx-600w RGB!!) Ga ada EMI dan MOV! Tapi ingat, karena barang 2nd, kualitasnya hoki-hoki an!

    Gw beli PSU "Korean True Rated/Pure ex Korea" PowerFul PF600 (yg link tadi PSUnya udh diganti jeroan dan OEMnya, yg mirip yang ini kalau berdasarkan kode FCC: MSIP-REI-ABG-500G2, dalemannya sama karena pas beli PSU ini, gw bongkar aja krn garansinya... ah sudahlah), dibuat di tahun 2014 oleh SHENZHEN VATYN. Beberapa bulan kemudian, ada masalah, yaitu kabel power SATA ga pas, dan kipas ga mau muter. Udah dibenerin sih. Garansinya?: ngimpi! (kecuali garansi internasional) Fiturnya? Nah ini yang agak kocak. Ada PSU yang ada konektor molex dan sata di belakang (tapi percuma gaada kabelnya), ada yg punya USB port, ada yang punya selftest system (Aone taewang), ada yang punya wattmeter (Micronics)!

    Quality: hoki hokian. TIDAK SEMUA PSU EX KOREA PURE! CEK AMPER 12V! PSU PF600 gw cuma bisa 12v-20amp (300/250w pure). Merk2 bagus utk ex Korea antara lain: Powerstation, Powerex, Micronics, Zalman. Juga ada loh FSP ex Korea (kayak model 500-60apn).

Tip yang berguna untuk komponen PC ex Korea: cari di Websitenya bahasa Korea, tapi pake Google Translate aja. PSU gw ada disini. Juga bisa dipake buat nyari info VGA merek aneh seperti Emtek, DNDCOM, SUMA, Rex, Absolute, dll. Merk tadi adalah merk yg cuman ada di Korea aja.

Post selanjutnya saya usahakan memberi info mengenai merek2 dan komponen PC ex Korea dan kemana sajakah mereka pergi. Tetapi menurut hasil pencarian saya, komponen PC tersebut diekspor ke:

  1. Indonesia,
  2. Filipina,
  3. Sri Lanka,
  4. Vietnam,
  5. Bangladesh, dan
  6. Pakistan

Dan satu lagi.... karena colokan listrik indo dan korea sama....... disini banyak kabel power copotan ex bil up korea


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