Rant: Why companies skipping Southeast Asia, not taking boycotting Russia as momentum?

Those companies skipped Southeast Asia as potential market and pretends it doesn't exist. I'm looking at you, Nintendo and Microsoft. Especially Xbox. Xbox only has official presence in SG. So does with Apple, we only has reseller here, not even Official Apple store (apparently Russia doesn't even have any to begin with so I consider this evened out. Singapore do have it though).

I'm expecting Steam Deck available in Aussie first but not in SEA, seeing us as unwanted hurdle.

Companies that pretends Southeast Asia doesn't even exist and it's not tolerable because it's an ICT/Tech company:
  • NINTENDO (pulled out after 80's, back then we have NES ASIAN VERSION, with repair center on: Jalan Pintu Air Raya No. 36A Lt 2, Jakarta Pusat 10710, Indonesia, Tel : 340015. SG: 1 North Bridge Road #07-08 High Street Center, Tel: 3393194/5.) Update: SG and TH website present now. STILL HAS NO INDONESIAN SITE. FFS
  • MICROSOFT XBOX (ONLY have SG presence); Other MS products seems to have representative here. why skip xbox Update: XBOX GAMEPASS now available on 6 of ASEAN countries! (SG, MALAYSIA, INDONESIA, THAILAND, VIETNAM, PHILIPPINES) Huzzah. Xbox console still unofficial.
  • VALVE (BUT ONLY IF STEAM DECK RELEASES ON AUSSIE FIRST, THEN SG SECOND OR NEVER.). UPDATE: Now can buy directly, no reserve needed. Must set Japan region 1st tho.
  • APPLE (ONLY have SG presence for their official store like genius bar, we only got resellers.) But it's evened out bcoz Russia don't have any genius bar. Maybe bcoz of regulations that also prevents Tesla official presence here. (no direct selling)
  • NVIDIA (GeForce Now. Typical, skipping Indonesia and treating it as hurdle and just went to Aussie instead. At least there's SG presence so people set the VPN there. Ping is good tho. Considering awful internet speed, could they just offer on select areas for best performance?) Update: At least GFN works here using Starhub SG. But no founder edition cards here :( Maybe bcoz of regulations that also prevents Tesla official presence here. (no direct selling). Singapore surplus of founder edition cards are solution.
Companies that pretends Southeast Asia doesn't even exist but tolerated because demand is low (usually automotives):
  • GM-Chevrolet (partial, 5 or 6/10 or 11 countries), due to RHD being non profitable. Malaysia, SG, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, and Timor Leste.
  • Citroen (Indonesia and Thailand but has official presence on SG and Malaysia, here they pulled out due to local assembler stopped, was assembled by PT ALUN. They also considering to expand to Indonesia but alas didn't happen because Japan brand car dominates the landscape here!) UPDATE: Indomobil re-introduced Citroen, Indian and Spain CBU. Malaysian CBU may follow.


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