Apparently, by moving valorant to ssd, fixes loading time, potentially avoiding penalty usually caused by skipping round

 I used to play the game on HDD. Never again due to penalty. So I moved it to SSD that's made for gen 4 x4, but ran at gen 3 x1 (10100f!) because the adapter i need (my mainboard only have 1 NVME slot)

PNY CS2241 1TB SSD 1000.2 GB

The SSD I used

With GEN3 X1 speed, still faster than SATA 3 speed. But not with GEN2 X1, in that case, better buy SATA SSD instead! The GEN3 can be found on CPU bound PCIE starting from IVY Bridge i5&i7

Now I can see all Valorant's player banner seen on pre-match!


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