Banning Automotive sponsorship outside of motorsports, age gating vehicle websites (from bike to trucks), and extra regulation to vehicle advertisements

 (For legal reasons, all thing aforementioned relating to automotive here is a joke, I'm a car guy myself so enjoy!)

What if we copy cigarette regulations to automotive industry? Will automotive industry survive? As we couldn't plain package vehicles, so we look for something else instead. Levying Duties to vehicles (a'la cigarettes)? Those vehicles are already taxed.

1. Banning purchase to minors? "Implemented, sorta"

What if... adding barrier for vehicle purchasing like asking ID? Chance of kids that could afford a car is one in a million (like Pixie Curtis, all because she started toy business, and she came from rich family. Her mom bought her a car, shows how minor purchase limitations can be bypassed. Obviously she couldn't drive yet). Also pointless because titles are bound to an ID, so ID is actually must. And remember, buying a car as minor means that the parent can intervene and cancel it, hence so many dealer refuses to sell a car to minor (get power wheels instead, there's no title needed, issa toy).

But.... situations here are nearly similar to Curtis's, this time you reduce wheel by two and price (by a lot), and voila! Motorcycles! Kids and teens here are being given motorcycle, this results run-in with police, or even accident. Those motorcycle title's is on their parents so blame them instead.

Speaking of vehicle websites, Age gate may be a choice (drawbacks was the kid who loves car or bike would get disgruntled). The system would be blend of alcohol and cigarette with touch of "coffee shop" age gate system, where it detects IP address, finding country age for driving license, and there is no country bans, only age bans. (still can be bypassed)

(because more countries bans alcohol than cigarettes, particularly Islamic world, also most country deems content sold by "coffee shop" are heavily regulated that police can intervene)

2. Banning sponsorships? "Not Implemented"

What if.. banning auto sponsorships (sans automotive and motorsport events)? It may work, but it would cause a lot of crapshoot because they brought a lotta of money. Why I had that idea? Vehicle kills, just like tobacco (but thing is vehicle has more usefulness). Also UNRELATED TO SPONSORED EVENT. Example: Genesis golf, Jeep sponsorship on soccer, Daihatsu badminton, bicycle race sponsored by motorcycle manufacturer, and car company sponsors concert. Implementing this would cause "game breaking glitches", since so many artists are endorsed by automakers, like BTS x Hyundai.

Side note: on motorsports and standard sports, tech companies are filling the gap of tobacco sponsors, like TeamViewer on Manchester United, Kaspersky on Ferrari F1 team, Hewlett Packard, etc.

But why I exclude motorsports? That's one of usefulness of vehicles, and because it's totally related to event they are sponsoring, I'll give it a pass. Example: F1, WRC, truck racing, drifting competition, motoX, boat race, etc. Automotive components are exempt from this regulation (like tyre, spark plugs, fuels (separate entity to deal with), etc.).

Also, consider barring automotive industry involvements on naming schools, universities and polytechnics (excepting something like driving schools, or automotive related polytechnics and schools)

3. Banning merchandises? "Not Implemented"

What if... vehicle related merch are banned? No, thanks. I like diecast and you cannot drive them, you can only step on them (and broke them). Also it doesn't directly harm the consumer either. (merchandise in this context is something like T shirt, watch, licensed diecast, perfume, etc.)

(also, this would made toy business landscape worsen, Bruder sells trucks and construction machinery toys for kids and I see no problem with that)

4. Adding MORE regulations to vehicle adverts "Sorta happened"

What if... vehicle ads are regulated, or even banned outright? Currently, regulation to vehicle adverts are kinda sparse, like disallowing reckless driving behaviour (happened on BMW M4, Mustang, and GT86 ad, those are banned on UK, seems like UK specific law. Aussie banned GR Yaris advert. Saving graces, those ad can be shown on YouTube though. It mainly affects sport cars, not your mom's MPV or econobox. See the pattern here? ), CO2 emissions, etc. But what if....

Ban vehicle adverts outright? Nah that's too much. Not even EU would do it anyway. Give warnings? That might do it. Some country has banned terms on cigarettes like "mild, light, slim, low tar", we can only enforce them to vehicles if the term cannot be proven. (like mild means mild hybrid, light means the unladen weight is very lightweight, low emissions means reduced exhaust gases or hybrid or even EV (WITHOUT CHEATING like VW) and fuel efficiency related terms. Sophisticated jargon would apply, but this complaint usually regarded as false advertising.)

The vehicle adverts has no production models? Might work, Toyota actually did this with their 2020 Olympics related ads. Concept vehicles also counted as exemption because chance of it entered production is 50/50 and most concept car looks really exaggerated before toned down for production models accordingly to regulations or even "just as a concept and never enter production".

Ban cartoony characters (back then there was Joe Camel)? Don't think it would work, shows like Tobot are backed by Kia (aka Hyundai). And doesn't harm kid in any regard. This also could have crazy impact. And lastly, I remember seeing car ad that has cartoony character in it, but kids are not driving anyway.

Edit: In France, starting 2022, bill is enforced for car ad to encourage cycling, and CO2 tiering implementation. Problem is, EV may has to comply about second part lol. It has to include hashtag: #SeDeplacerMoinsPolluer (Move and Pollute Less) and also one of these: "Consider carpooling", "For daily commuting, use public transport.", and "For short distance trips, just walk or ride a bicycle.". In SG, I think the second one (use public transport) is okay since SG public transport are one of the best to point where you can just get into MRT and run to the office. Combine this with small size of SG, vehicle taxes are crazy. But somehow, it's quality tends to be better than Indonesian model that has a lot of features cut.
Sigma move idea, car company that also owns bicycle manufacturing. Folding especially. Win win. (actually Kia used to start from bicycle manufacturing)

Here are list of warnings that I have thought about:

  1. Because reckless driving, I'm crippled.
  2. Because driving while drunk, I got arrested.
  3. Vehicle kills if not used properly.
  4. Drive carefully and wear seatbelt. Failure to comply may result in death.
  5. Do not drink and drive. Use of public transportation is must to avoid charges and death.
  6. Do not use cellphones and drive. Failure to comply may result in death.
  7. Excessive speeding can result in death and injury.
  8. For adult use only. Failure to comply may result in ticket.
  9. Do not allow minor to drive in public roads.
  10. Supervise minor while driving in private property.
  11. Driving causes traffic jam. Use of public transportation is recommended.
  12. Stop driving if you are drowsy. Failure to comply may result in death.
  13. Quitting driving can improve your health by using public transit.
  14. For short trip just walk or use bicycle.
  15. Consider carpooling
  16. Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, NOx, formaldehydes. (for non pure EV)
  17. Second-hand exhaust smoke beware. (for non pure EV)
  18. Race at closed area only (Sports model only)
Bonus point if the image used are graphic and disturbing! (like victim of vehicular crash)


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