Making Graphic Card really "Graphic" with cigarette graphic images warning

Those "graphic" imagery are procured from sari-sari (warung) with various method, one is either my mom buying daily needs which has the handwritten receipt, or scavenging discarded 1 slof cigarette packaging (So called "1 slof" contains at least 5-15 cigarette packaging, warungs cut the slof packaging and used it for writing handwritten receipt, slof word is Dutch origin means carton). Then I washed it to remove dirt and grime and let dry.

Perceived benefits including, but not limited to:

  • 20% cooler,
  • Increases FPS and performance,
  • Smells either like clove or tobacco depending on source (if it's Kretek type, then it smells like clove, else it'll be tobacco),
  • At least it doesn't clog vents.... because no tar burnt.
  • Really "graphically" stimulating, and
  • Suitable for every GPU in existence, especially AMD ones (red color, get what I meant?).

(for legal reasons, FPS and performance benefits are just a joke)

Who needs RGB if you can use graphic images instead? My concept is similar to "nicotini schockbilder-sammelalbum" book, you fill the "Panini" album with cigarette packaging, and there you have it!

For GPU, it can be used as backplate, shroud, and maybe fan units?

Pics if you are interested

Next stop, if I had some bigger GPU (1660 Super + 16GB RAM (Udah)), I would mod it again.


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