
  Btw from now on I would translate some namuwiki page for computer parts only. I do not deal with KPop articles unless if they're related to PC parts. Some grammars are fixed, and I used google translate. Namu wiki's work is available under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR . (However, except for some documents and illustrations for which the license is specified)



Note to anyone reading this: I have one of their GPU. Specs. Performs lower than G41 chipset, causes BSOD under Windows 10 :) Would be nice to run this on w98

Series: Geforce 6200 TurboCache, 128 MB DDR1 (shared up to 256 MB)


Established in 2003, it's a Korean company specializing in pc parts. The head office is located in Yongsan, and A/S is also available here. First of all, A/S itself is quite nice. If Zalman and Zotac A/S is coffee ramen, Emtek A/S is very good. As a bonus, they provide excitement in summer and hoppang bread in winter to those who visit the customer support office.



2.1. GPU

Also known as a graphics card company, they often advertise themselves as a manufacturer of high-quality graphics cards. However, since it's actually an OEM, it can be viewed as a distributor to be exact. Among graphic cards, XENON series is a rebadged Palit , HV is a rebadged Galaxy/Gainward, and new one: Miracle is from Forsa. In addition, Sapphire and Palit products are sold as is. Since Galaxy and Gainward are also affiliates of Palit, in fact, NVIDIA products recently released by Emtek are divided into Palit series and AMD products are divided into Sapphire series. If Palit produced AMD products, it came under the XENON brand. In addition to that, they also sells XGi Volari V8 based GPU back in the day, and a wide variety of products too. Also distributes EVGA GPUs (R.I.P) (and don't forget googly eye RTX bonus!). (Addendum: One of Indonesian distributor used this same approach until Nvidia Pascal series where it's slowly phased out as Palit used NJT as distributor (combining their brand and Palit). It's called Digital Alliance/DA.)

They also distributes EVGA graphics cards (R.I.P), and Sapphire GPU. At one point, the funniest freebies coming from them is, for each FTW3 gpu sold, they bundled GOOGLY EYES that you can stick on GPU red lips.

2.2. M/B

As for the main board, they mainly sells Biostar, Palit, Jetway, Sapphire, and EVGA motherboards, some which are the remnant of what Unitech distributes. But anyway, EVGA motherboards was Jetway OEMs, so there it is. EVGA motherboards brought in two types, Z68 and P67 in the early days of 1155 Sandy Bridge, and Sapphire sold a few AMD Bobcat Zacate E350-based ITX boards, but that board are not that much fun, so they stopped. Anyway, all of the motherboards in circulation after that, were Biostar products until in 2014 where other brand of mobo except Biostar and EVGA is not distributed.

Biostar motherboards were sold with a separate name added to the original model name and only a sticker attached to the box, but these names are quite out of the ordinary such as Star names (Spica, Pollux, Orion, Atlas, Uranus, etc.), four gods (Suzaku, Hyeonmu, Blue Dragon, White Tiger), painter names (Cezanne, Van Gogh, Chagall, Rousseau, Manet, Da Vinci, Kandinsky, Rembrandt, Mondrian, etc.) and the names of the mountains (Baegun, Gaya, Sobaek, Taebaek, Geumgang, Seorak, Halla, Baekdu/paekdu), etc... Perhaps because of the naming, the FM2 socket and 1150 socket products were just sold as their model names, and the 1151 socket boards were completely sold. Even later on the company name is omitted from the product name, and the brand name 'Biostar' is being promoted.


Own brand by EMTEK (Redbit), comprises from AIO, case fan, and anti sag bracket.


Redbit PC assembled by EMTEK, for components uses the EVGA PSU, Samsung RAM, Emtek's own GPU series, and Biostar M/B+SSD. All but one model uses air cooler (the one that uses AIO is R7 5800x powered units). Casing is from Micronics Coolmax, Daven, and 컴이지 킹덤 코디101 V2 (화이트) (COME EASY KINGDOM CODY 101 V2). (Well, for most ppl Biostar is sometimes under ASrock in quality, but better than ECS I think?). Unusually, 2 yrs warranty are given (whereas other assembler only gave 1 year!). From that page, it offers 8 lineups, AMD APU (4650g), Intel iGPUs (10105 and 11500), and Ryzen 5/7 5th gen or Intel i5/i7 11 gen. Can also offer GPU upgrade (mechanism: trade-in discount, won't likely to work with iGPU or APU systems.), with requirement being: Can be only done 3 months after purchase, but before warranty expires. Available trims: Office, Professionals, Gaming 1, and Gaming 2 (both AMD and Intel) (even office trim uses EVGA PSU, not one that is called true rated Korean PSU!)

2.5. PSU

Back then, they have their own branded PSU dubbed BlackDevil, with the OEM of ATNG (same OEM with HERZ Corensi PSU which is unsaveable because Cheongung Corensi explosion). Nowadays they don't brand their own PSU, instead distributes EVGA ones.


Products that don't like fun are infamous for their policy of throwing them down like a knife. For example, in April 2012, after EVGA announced global warranty policy for all lineups, some EVGA products were discontinued (since it caused a burden for imported unofficial products). The last EVGA board distributed by Emtek was Z270. If you run after the ideals of computers, you have no choice but to survive, as it is easy to run out of business. Currently, they only distribute Biostar SSDs and Mobos, EVGA graphics cards, Sapphire GPU, and Palit alongside their own branded GPU.

Apparently, now they still distributes EVGA M/B, you just need to go to evga.kr. Only one product though: Z590 FTW WIFI. (At this date 9 Dec 2021)



On August 8, 2016, a controversy arose due to false advertisements, claiming that tantalum capacitors were not used in the power board of the GeForce GTX 1060 Xenon model . However, it was concluded that this was a communication problem within the company and was not actually a false advertisement.(In the advertisement, only the usage of a tantalum capacitor was stated, and there was no problem at all in the content of the advertisement as it was a double format in which a tantalum capacitor (input terminal) and an aluminum capacitor (output terminal) were used together.), but Emtek already posted an apology for this. And after a few dozen days, the incident subsided, and the image of Emtek was greatly improved.


On November 2019, the process of shifting from V1 to V2 for Palit GPU distributed by STCOM and Emtek. Problem is, V1 is an existing product and V2 is a cost-saving type.




However, this is appeared to be caused from Palit (OEM) for cost reductionEmtek apologized and compensated the consumers who received V2 because of the mixups. On the other hand.... another distributor STCOM-Palit has bad response and less compensation.


On April 2021, one user's Radeon VII A/S warranty shipment was replaced with the RX 5700XT, which caused quite a lot of controversy. Despite the fact that Radeon VII was not a product that people usually buy just for gaming performance because more users are buying Radeon VII for fluid motion or something similar to Radeon PRO (as the Radeon VII used HBM memory), it was done because the Radeon VII was discontinued and it was the same product as the 5700XT in terms of game performance. However, because the price difference between the Radeon VII and 5700XT was significant, and it was never the same product in terms of lineup, it was heavily criticized by hardware community users who knew this fact. In addition, the free after-sales service period is 2 years, and Emtek does not have to do it for 1 year, but the answer was nuanced, so the controversy grew. Perhaps Emtek was conscious of this, and it ended up being shipped as Radeon VII in the end. However, it can be said that it was an event that made the public see the good image of Emtek's service quality again. 


What's unique for Emtek, is instead of releasing PALIT's products as is (like Digital Alliance/DA), they tend to embed their logos on coolers or backplates or change device specifications. At the time of the 10 series, a product called (Super) Jetstream was released, but unlike the original PALIT's Jetstream series, it was released with a cooler of the Gamerock series, which is a higher level line. That is, it is a hybrid of a Gamerock cooler + super jetstream board. Thanks to this, it was slightly higher compatible than the STCOM-Palit Jetstream series and Gainward Phoenix series, which were genuine original products. Also, it was widely known as the nickname "Pocari Edition" due to the very unconventional blue color in PC parts at the time.

The GeForce 30 series TURBO JET released in 2020 is an OEM of PALIT's GAME ROCK, and it came with a translucent front panel that felt like glass or crystal, and gave consumers a big shock in various ways. People who like the design prefer it enough to get it aside from all other products, and people who don't like it are so unconventional that they hate it. I don't have a 3080, so I can't get it. Also known as Emtek TRIDENT JET ROYAL because it's similar to G Skill Trident Z Royal, or the jewel bar (...). In addition, the 3070 Black Edition, an entry-level lineup, is the original product of Gainward's 3070 Phoenix GS model (although the binning of chipset may differ). RTX 3080 and 3090  units are exactly the same product because the Gainward's product is also a metal backplate.

(P.S: Digital Alliance never did all of this except for relabeling, for whatever reason until phase-out after Pascal generation. All they did is just slap DA logo on fan shroud, until the Pascal (10xx) series where it started to show Palit logo on some section)


A long term viability of Emtek is guaranteed just by the fact that PC component makers/distributors, such as Rextech (렉스텍), Unitech (유니텍), and Evertop (에버탑), which seemed unlikely to fail, are in reality ended up defunct one after another. Emtek also becoming sponsor of GSL and Emtek NLB Spring 2013, is also a sign of Emtek actually survived the fierce competition of Yongsan PC parts sellers.

Untuk yang bertanya VGA Emtek asli atau tidak, jawabannya asli 100%, tapi dipastikan ex Korea bkn ex Indo kecuali kalo sellernya ngomong (tapi yg pasti ex Korea). OEMnya Palit/Galax, seperti Digital Alliance. Dah. cukup. Yang paling baru nyampe ke indo, GTX 1050 non Ti Single Fan (11/12 dengan DA). 750 ti agak banyak, semoga aja banyak lagi unit yg masuk. Sisanya jadul2 kyk GTS 250,450, GTX 650. I want 1060 6gb emtek brand damn it, no importer doing this so far here But there's a good news: an importer brought in EMTEK 1660S!

For whose asking if this GPU is original, it's original. Just a rebadged Palit/Galax and probably AXLE3D, nothing to worry about fake-ness.

Edit: found certification information from that listing picture: https://www.rra.go.kr/ko/license/A_b_popup_keyno.do?key_no=R-R-EMT-PT-N166 (non super), and https://www.rra.go.kr/ko/license/A_b_popup_keyno.do?key_no=R-R-EMT-PT-N166-S

(Made by: Golden Top Development Limited?) Never heard that before.


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